400 Years is a hilariously bizarre yet creative game, perfect for players of all ages. Play it for free on Sonsaur Games for quality entertainment and fun!

Step into the future and embark on a thrilling journey through time. You’ll need to use your wits and skills to fight off a mysterious calamity…all while you have a mere 400 years to make it happen. With each step you take, the magical adventure only gets more exciting. Now’s the time to get creative and practice your strategy skills – all free.

Don’t get stuck – hit the space bar and switch up your situation to continue the journey. And with tinted seasons that ever-so-sweetly evolve, you’ll be pretty pleased with each new challenge stage.

Show your friends and family that you’ve got what it takes to beat 400 Years! All you need to do is go to Sonsaur Games and get to it. Enjoy, and good luck!